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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Still a Fat Ass

So I started the program on 4/16. Its been 6 weeks since then and I just started the second section, which means I worked out for a total of 28 days and took 14 rest days. So thats pretty much working out for 2 days and taking a rest day. I think thats pretty good.

You know whats NOT good though? How Im looking. The only view you can even see a difference at is the side angle. If you dare to check out the gross pictures...

I took my measurements, and those tell a better story. Most significant loss was the chest, (like 3 inches) and arms (a whole inch) but everything else was the same. Makes sense cause I have not lost any weight yet.

I was actually talking out my frustrations with Ryan last night. I mean how is it possible that Im eating better than I ever have, and working out like a rock star, and Im not looking that different and no weight loss??? Well he was pretty brutal but honest and truthful; he said, science doesnt lie. Clearly you are working out great, so thats not it. And you are eating healthier food, we all are, but what it comes down to for weight loss is burning more calories than you take in. Somehow, you are taking in just as many as you burn so you need to eat less. At first I was offended and defensive, but then I took a step back and realized he was totally right.

So I looked at what I had been eating and while I HAVE been eating healthier, I have also been eating more, mostly in the breakfast hours. Before working out I would have a glass of milk then not eat anything until close to 11am for an early lunch or a snack then lunch later. Now since Im working out I have to eat right after my meal and Im always hungry, so I have the same glass of milk before my workout, but I eat a good breakfast (eggs and whole grain toast) after my workout and before work, then I am still hungry by the time 11am rolls around and I was continuing my day eating the same amounts I was before; so essentially even though I was eating better in general, I was still adding in an extra meal; breakfast, which was about 400 calories a day, which is prob close to the extra I was burning with the workouts and metabolism increase. So I need to eat less throughout the rest of the day after breakfast, and just space them out more and be smarter about which calories I choose to eat.

Yesterday I tracked my calories and could see how they added up so early in my day now with my new routine, and then just realized I had very few allotted for dinner, and kept within that. Low and behold, this morning I had lost a pound!!! So Im being good again today (I have eaten 600 between my breakfast and lunch snack of yogurt and fruit and have 900 left).

Only unfortunate thing is now that Ive finally figured this out and want to be extra good and test out the new theory, we are leaving for the river tomorrow morning and will have an entire weekend of debauchery, drinking and eating all kinds of awful things. And not a P90X workout anywhere in sight. (Maybe a few morning runs if I feel overly ambitious). So we will see how long it will take to recover from it....


  1. Don't call yourself a fat ass. I love you!

  2. I also try and consumer 1500 calories a day, actually my allotment is 1540 for weight loss and it is HARD! You really have to be picky about what you "spend" your calories on!!!
