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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ready To Start


Ok Ive done the prep. I watched the How to Bring it video. I recorded my measurements, took the before and after photos, took the fit test, have the equipment, including the pull up bar in our living room. (Thanks Ryan!) I am getting my body fat tested tomorrow, and starting the program either this weekend or next week!


Weight - 145
Chest - 38"
Waist - 33"
Hips - 40"
Thigh - 24"
Arm - 13"

Resting heartrate - 67
Pull ups - 3/4 [Of a pull up. Don't laugh]
Vertical leap - 15"
Push ups - 10
Toe touch - +2" [As in can reach 2" past my toes]
Wall squat - 3 min
Bicep curls - 15 with 10lbs weight
In & Outs - 30 [where you are doing a v pose pulling your legs in and out just balancing on your butt]
Heart rate high - 144
After 1 min - 112
After 2 min - 104
After 3 min - 98
After 4 min - 96

In discussing it with Ryan, I think the only way for me to do the workouts every day is to get up early at 4:30 and do them then... because our evenings are already hectic as it is with Aurora, dinner, clean up the house, and sometimes we have plans, etc. So I will end up skipping days unless I make sure to do it. So we will try the early morning thing. The only downside is less sleep. It will be great to start the day ahead, showered and able to just relax and enjoy the whole rest of the day. I will actually have more time in the evening since I wont be trying to work out whenever or showering then.

Another option might be to have Ryan always pick up Aurora and come home and feed her. Meanwhile I get off a little earlier, can get a headstart on my workout and would finish by the time he is done feeding her. We will see!

I need to download the before pics and post them. They are sad news. I mean yeah of course they are going to look bad because they are not using all the tricks us women always use to look skinner; stand up tall, wear black, 3/4 pose, etc. But MAN have I let myself go! Not that I ever had a supermodel figure, even before puberty. But it is really gross.

1 comment:

  1. I do my workout at 5:15am and while it sucked getting up that early in the beginning I am used to it now...and like you said, then you are DONE for the rest of the day...but I admire you, I mean I can do my workouts now without having to really worry about anyone else, but when you have a child, they always come first.
