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Friday, May 16, 2014

A Day In The Life

In an attempt to show myself and others how consuming a food addiction can be, this is a documentation of a workday and every time I think about food.

8:40am - Saw a chocolate cookie recipe in my facebook feed. Mouth waters thinking about a really good, chewy CCC. No, remember. That's the addiction talking. Refill your water glass instead. Take a big swig. Decide to record every "craving".
9:26am - Take a big drink of water. Makes me think of food. And the big bag of Twix (my favorite candy bar) that I got as a gift from a student banquet earlier in the week. Happy that everyone (the girls and Ryan) have eaten more of them than I have. Also reminds me of the extra brownies in the work fridge that I threw away this morning. Telling them they were devil morsels I was happy to see go while watching them disappear into the garbage can. This reminds me of the recipe for twice baked potatoes that I saw on my blogger feed as I was opening my blog to start this post.
10:00 - Legitimately hungry. Get out my healthy homemade bran muffin to heat up in the microwave. See the chips and brownies that are still left in the workroom. Think of the amazing artichoke dip that is now gone (I resisted yesterday) that goes with those chips.Think of all the fun things I could do with the leftover chips. Nachos. Tortilla soup. Chilaquiles. Don't know why but look in the fridge. Think of my commitment to try to cut out coffee now - and the added dairy that I get from my current consumption of two cups a day.
10:54 - Scan Instagram. SMH at the Starbucks drink and the cupcake pictures that different friends posted. Seriously impossible to get away from it. Documentation makes me realize how prevalent it is and no wonder I can't ever stop thinking about it.
11:09 - Walk past the workroom to talk to a coworker, see those damn chips again. Why do I keep going back to them? Like considering if eating plain, dry tortilla chips all by themselves is going to be the most delicious thing I've ever tasted???WTF?
11:18 - Past the workroom again to talk to my boss.... Nachos sound really freaking good right now. With tons of melted cheese, beans, tender juicy carne asada, and pico de gallo, guac & sour cream. Going to "lunch" now to do anything but eat - Get into my book so I can get food out of my head.
12:30 - Coworker eating chips. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Waiting for my bean soup to re-heat. Thinking of dipping those chips in it. But I wont.
1:09 - Got a work email that there is a ton of leftover food from a Mexican Buffet. I try to forget but see the email again a few min later. Go down just to look, telling myself I wont get any. Yeah right. They have a jicima salad that looks promising. If the dressing isn't all sugar. Score. Its a vinaigrette. The enchiladas look good. Ill just take a small bit to taste. And lots of veggies. With salsa! At least if Im going to be a pig and eat when Im not hungry Ill make it [mostly] healthy. And I can grab veggies for tomorrow's lunch.

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